Creative-Lekhika is a blog belongs to a growing writer-photographer who inspire herself to become the legend for the generation.
Monday, September 20, 2010
My India My Home

Its been 63 years of independence with the population of 1.15 billion citizens; India got different ‘nicknames’, someone called it ‘Mother India’ and rest of all named it as the ‘Golden Bird’! Corrupted, poor, undeveloped & illiterate are the common ones we hear in our daily life. But for me India is My Home. A Home with its own tradition & culture, spirituality & simplicity, pollution & population, poverty & the purity, in short it’s a home with all its abilities & disabilities, a joint family of Tata-Birlas and the mango people.
It’s the country where I feel free to ask about any desired location from a stranger, where every auto-rickshaw driver is my brother of the day. It’s the country where you can eat golgappas on every street corner and where every wedding includes crackers, DJ and spicy food! More on that It’s the only country where Whole Street named on a food item (Parathey Walli Gali – Delhi 6).
Its my country my home where I live respectfully & happily. It is the only place where I feel security & safeness. Where every human being comes alive during terrorist attack. Where my army brothers lost their life during Kargil war. Where I celebrate every festival with full joy & respect. Where I studied with my friends of different religion & shared knowledge.
And for me, the most important thing is it’s the only country where every talented person counts as an Artist!
It’s My Country My Home My India.
Citizen Of India:
Harpreet Rishi
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Emotional susceptibilities, a belief not based on reason, the power of sensation . . . well these are the tackiest lines I’ve ever read in any dictionary! (These are the ‘meanings’ of the word- ‘Feeling’ in the Oxford Dictionary! I’m still wondering while writing these meanings, what kind of ‘Power of sensation’ (feelings!) does the writer carried!)
There’s so many feelings or I would say ‘Power of sensation’ we get in our daily life, but still many of the independent souls who are working 24X7 in their field of work find themselves like a Robot! U might ‘have not’ noticed your actual feelings, which are there in your heart. Feelings like eating Cornetto ice cream cone (or any other of your favorite ice cream)! You grab Ur cone like a kid and wants to gasp it with in a second! But when Ur cone come closer to its dead end, u slow down Ur speed, u start enjoying it now… U knew it’d vanish within a minute but still u want to enjoy every second of it as like it’s your love! You can compare that exact kiddy enthusiastic feeling of yours with another example.
Have u ever hold your partner’s hand secretly specially when u were surrounded with your relatives & friends? That moment u knew that u might get caught or even your partner has to leave within few more minutes or so, but still u hold his/her hand so tightly as you are telling your love not to leave, stay here with me all the time! That warmness between the palms felt like the true love and when u get to know that your partner is leaving now, u hold his/her hand more tightly… your heart beats act like the ‘Rajdhani Express!’ (That’s the same feeling u get when u gasp the last byte of your Fvrt ice cream!)
Every feeling have it’s own taste, and believe me every taste is like ‘What u can die for!’ 
The most priceless feeling is the feeling of getting married specially in love marriage. That feeling when u know your love is about to become your ‘Official’ Life Partner is speechless. U start admiring your wedding card as the guarantee card of your life! That feeling when u look yourself as the bride/groom, when u feel that not only your surname but actually your whole life, identity & personality is about to change within few more months, you’ll live that desired dream of yours with your partner in ‘Your Home’ is just beautiful… I can feel that exact feeling! (No, I’m not getting married, not yet at least! But can understand through someone else’s eyes!)
Even for the 24X7 job oriented people, after coming back or even while driving back to your home after having tiring work loads & dead line issues, just a simple soft Kishore da track or any other of your favorite track can make u feel the pleasure while being in a crowd. U started enjoying your drive while u r stuck in a hectic traffic jam. Even sometimes u slow down the speed of your drive, as u know at last you’ll reach to your destination, so drive peacefully, no hurry at all, u feel your own time with your mind & soul!
And with that goody good mood, u can make your tired mom/wife happy, just by giving hands in the kitchen or by help her while washing utensil. That smile of her makes u feel like King of the world! Isn’t it? (If not so, then try it out, it actually works!)
Feel your feelings; you’ll feel the pleasure automatically! That’s my funda of living! Try it out, and remain as happy as u can!
Ur expert of Power-sensation J :
Harpreet Rishi
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
People made Society? Or Society made people?

This article came-up in my mind while arguing with my Dad on the topic ‘Delhi’. One thing should be noticeable that we have divided citizenship according to the religion, no one have forced us or guided us but we did that by our own. Latest news ‘Allegations of financial irregularities in Common Wealth Games’ have helped me rising-up this issue. Many of my own relatives say that “This allegations has to be happened, at last its Delhi & Delhi people!” I want to know about these words ‘Delhi People!’ We have considered that ‘Delhi People’ are selfish, rude, and full of ego and are unfaithful, but what did Delhi done if its citizens are wrong? Delhi doesn’t have any special magical powers in its soil or water, which makes its citizen rude & unfaithful nor taught us any lesson related to corruption! Logically Delhi is the Capital State, people came from different region & religion and make itself their permanent address. Delhi is just a Metropolitan State in common words!

In the issue of CWG financial controversy, my Dad’s reaction was “Its Suresh Kalmadi (O C’s Chairman) faults, and this allegation has to be happened as govt. selected ‘Delhi People’ to work internationally!” (O C stands for Organizing Committee in case u don’t know!)
Ok let me clear this, Suresh Kalmadi was born in Pune (Maharashtra, India), done his schooling & college in Pune itself, joint National Defense Academy again in Pune, was in Air Force Flying College that in Jaipur & Aallahbad and was in Indian Air Force as a practicing pilot in 1965’s war & 1971’s war with Pakistan. (I’m not writing an autobiography on Kalmadi, just want to highlight the states from where he had done his education part!)
As the conclusion, Kalmadi had never been to Delhi during that time of his learning days, but still he counted as a ‘Delhi People’ when he come under this controversy thing!
I’m not pointing/saying that Pune or any other state is wrong! I’m just trying to info u that ‘People make society nor Society make people!’ If citizens are wrong/corrupted it doesn’t mean that the whole nation is wrong/corrupted!
So next time when you say ‘Delhi People’ or ‘Mumbaikars’ or ‘Americans’ . . . Do keep in the mind that u r also a citizen of ur nation and can be counted among them also!
-Harpreet Rishi (Indian)
Friday, July 23, 2010
7th Photo-Walk – “Incredible India”

No we didn’t go for the India Tour! But have explored one of the most beautiful historical heritages of India- The Qutub Minar.
In the early morning (4am) I was listening ‘Sur Mille Mera Tumhara’ on A.I.R FM Rainbow. Later on @6am, I realized the true meaning of the song. It’s only in India where u can find unique historical monuments with a logical reason of building it, hence proved at Qutub!
Talking about the members, we are happy to have DFC with us to teach various abilities/disabilities in terms of Photography & gadgets. Jasbir Boora, Poornika Rishi, Yogesh Parashar, Sanjay Batra, Lovelish Arora, Debashish Sengupta, Ankush Maria, Anupam Chatterjee, Arindam Deb, Tirtho Biswas, along with Shagun Jasuja, Hakikat Boora, Vinay Mediratta (the new member of whom I’ll discuss later on) & (me) Harpreet Rishi (Thanks to my god gifted memory which helped me in remembering the names!).
Weather was not pleasant for the Monument shot as it was dull, a bit foggy on top & humid on down! But still we got some awesome shots (No matter it was of the Qutub Complex, Bird Parrot or the portrait session by Ankush Maria!)
We were not able to explore the whole Qutub Complex (due to the lack of time) but we shot the Imam Zamin’s tomb, Ala’I Darwaza (A.D.1311), Khalji’s tomb, khalji’s Madrasa, Tomb of Iltutmish and Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque.

Ankush Maria, Young talented knowledgeable handsome photographer working with India Today Group as staff Photographer and the admin of DFC was the first who thought to have a portrait session using Shagun Jasuja & Jasbir Boora (admin of FFC) as the models with Anupam Chatterjee, who was helping him there, and was Joyful, smart, creative and knowledgeable Photographer (he looks like Canadian NRI, don't know y!)
Debashish Sengupta, for those who want to know about cameras, gadgets and Delhi must contact him! Due to him I got to know which camera suits me and from where to buy cheap cameras with high quality!
Arindam Deb & Tirtho Biswas, The real surprise packages for me! The only ‘angry young man’ types serious & decent bengolies and now my best buddies! Arindam who was/is a phenomenal photographer, for him I would say ‘Great packages comes in thin-long packets!’ (Think positively Dirty Minds!). Tirtho, the guitarist, painter, designer… in short The Artist for me! (Wishing for the growth of Ur long hairs Tirtho!)… They are the only ones for whom I said (while chatting) “U laugh also!!!”… Now after having them, I’m sure I’ll enjoy the PWs professionally as well as personally too…
Vinay Mediratta, the telecom employee (ambani’s relative, hehehe… just kidding!) was the New member of DFC/FFC, and was kind of shy guy (don't know Y!) Happy to have u sir!
Sanjay Batra & lovelish Arora, DFC members, honorable, knowledgeable… While I didn’t interact with them, may be coz they seems to be the senior photographers…
Hakaikat Boora & Shagun Jasuja was the non-photographer but their presence was valuable. I would thanks Mr.Yogesh Parashar, the only senior photographer, and the bird watcher, strict for his timing, well disciplined and very knowledgeable in terms of birding. He was the one who helped us to reach the venue by giving us (Poornika & me) lift, thanks sir!
This PW was very special for me, not coz of my fvrt venue and not only coz I got my best buddies there! But of course coz First time in the PW I clicked some shots by myself! (Yuppie!) Our PW ends at 9:30am but coz some of us were really hungry (including me, hehe), so we went to Mcdonald’s of Saket. Had some American breakfast (haha...) with a cup full of valuable knowledge by Ankush Sir… And then finally we proceed to our shelters at 10:30am.
We shouldn’t forget to thanks Poornika for recommending the Qutub as our venue. And Congrats FFC for the first ever Monument Photo-walk!
Harpreet Rishi
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
4th Photo-Walk- “Light… Camera… Action!!!”

A studio with huge lighting setup, professional make-up artist, professional models, talented and creative photographers, flashing, sparks, glamour, fashion… It sounds like shooting of a bollywood film, but it was our 4th PW’s theme- Fashion Photography. And Mr. Kalra was our teacher-photographer-studio owner… A Punjabi businessman-cum-photographer with excellent sense of humor & knowledge in terms of lighting & studio photography. He was the master among all in the field of lightings & photography.
He taught us the abilities, advantages-disadvantages & the perfection, which was needed in studio photography. He didn’t waste our time when the model was getting ready, he consumed every single minute of our by giving us knowledge about lighting techniques.
It was 10:00am when we started exploring the studio through our guns (cameras!). This time members were less- Jasbir Boora, Jasminder Oberoi, Vijay Bainsla, Mr. Kalra and (me) Harpreet Rishi were the only FFC members. Akshata Bhatt, 20years old animation student-cum-photographer joined us or I would say we joined her. (Its surprising but all the info about Akshata was taken & written by Vijay sir and I’m still wondering y he asked her about her favorite Parathas in chandani chawk, I didn’t have any idea about the flavors of parathas nor this paratha thing relates with the studio photography! No matter, she likes Pudhina paratha for your information!)
We met Ms.Veena Bhatt (another Bhatt!). A beautiful professional make-up artist for whom studio-makeup is the passion. Studied in literature & was the pure Delhi wassi! She was the one who was in lime-light, all the efforts from dressing-up the model to the make-up creativity was all her talent.
Then the model arrives, Ms.Rupa Khurana, Indian Talent Hunt winner and was the contestant in the reality shows ‘Rahul Dhulahaniya Le Jayega’. Beautiful, tall, polite and sexy at the same time. She was the star in our PW, without her efforts we wouldn’t get those wonderful shots.
I realized how hard modeling was, you have to pose correctly as ordered by the photographer additionally you’ve to put your emotions for the shot as well. Its too hard to make different poses when the lights were hitting into your eyes, all the make-up & dress load and in the attention of every single person around. Heads off to her efforts & the styles she carry with herself.
We shotted western then move on to Indian Photo-shot. And every shot was/is marvelous.
This shot was very informative (specially for me!)… Coz we met another celebrity there, Mr. V.S Mehta, the professional photographer & the owner of FIPA India.
I was blessed to meet so much talented celebrities in the field of photography, modeling & glamour. I know the members were less but the spirit of learning was too high!
I would thank Jazzi sir, who gave me the lift to malvia nagar (where the studio was situated), otherwise it was not possible for me to reach. And Mr.Kalra who welcomed me & introduced me with everyone in a very polite & joyful way. And thanks for making our 4th PW memorable.
Harpreet Rishi.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Does Looks Matter???
I'm struggling with this question from the time i realized tht i'm a grl! Despite of having knowledgeable & respectful status why most of the male person goes with the looks while chosing thier life partners? Fitness is different thing but why looks become the main point when it comes to chose ur love? I've grown up while listening that I'm not slim 'n' sexy... if tht's so then dunno y frnds of mine are commenting "Pathakha" on this pic of mine.. yeah seriously looks matter.. but thts just for the period of time.. i mean i dunno how would I look alike in the age of 50+.. but I'm sure I'll be awarded with the best writer award.. Isn't it worthy enough.. no matter how i looks at least i would have my home & respect to live with! So for every girl who is thinking "Does looks matter?", stop thinking and start loving ur beauty... coz thts the easiest way to remain happy as ever...
Healthy... Wealthy... Wise!!!

I know the title sounds kind of nursery quote but its worthy & meaningful.
So lets define this quotation in our own words… ‘Healthy’ or Health in biological terms defines as the ‘Absence of disease’… that is some how incorrect.
In my sense, health requires complete fitness in terms of physical, mental and social well being. When people are healthy, they are more efficient at work. This increases productivity and brings economic prosperity, which we call ‘Wealth’ in our common terms.
In this so-called Hi-Tech lifestyle we have changed the meaning of health and wealth. For a MNC employee, health defines as eating salads and sweating himself in the gym… he had forget the meaning of mental-peace.
It’s a Scientific Fact that Americans live more than an urban Indian do. Reason: coz Americans knows how to earn & spent their hard work, they not only make their bodies work active but also kept themselves calm, energetic, joyful & entertaining during the working hours. It helps them to keep the mental peace alive and become healthy-wealthy living being.
While in India, we are busy in developing the society in terms of financial growth, forgetting the meaning of health & enjoyment. We work 24x7, having worst diet and spending thousands of money just for pumping our sweat-out. And this we called our Healthy Lifestyle!
We have to understand that wealth couldn’t make us happy until we become well healthy to enjoy it fully.
We need to grab our time from the busy schedules and despite of working in the gym, we should spend that time with our loved ones to make our mental status stable & relaxed!
For me, healthy life inspires to become wealthy by the use of our wise brain…
So its Healthy… Wealthy… Wise! (-Hence proved)
Harpreet Rishi…
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